Casting the Net
Casting the Net is a candid discussion between two fathers, one a priest and the other a married man with four kids, on what it means to be a father, and always in search of “catching the faith”.
Hosted by the Father Dave Nuss and Rick Lingvai
Produced by Applo Multimedia Group
142 episodes
Ep. 142 - Lent Begins
This week's episode kicks off Lent, and the guys discuss Ash Wednesday, the meaning of ashes for some, and much more. They also go into detail on holiness as a pathway to freedom and the meaning of Christian purity. Enjoy!
Season 3
Episode 142

Ep. 141 - Holiness Part III
Today's discussion continues our segment on holiness, specifically referencing the book: "Free to be Holy" by Matt Lozano. It's a very informative conversation, with some key highlights:Holiness is a reality that is likely mis...
Season 3
Episode 141

Ep. 140 - Holiness Continued (sort of)
Welcome back! Today's episode was intended to be a continuation from last week, which it was in a way, but ends up going in a slightly different direction when Rick asks Father Dave a question. However the result ends up being...
Season 3
Episode 140

Ep. 139 - Holiness
Welcome to a very interesting episode on the topic of holiness. Father Dave and Rick cover a lot of ground today, with a few key highlights:Misunderstood realityThe book: "Free to be Holy" by Matt LozanoSpiri...
Season 3
Episode 139

Ep. 138 - Suffering Part III
Welcome back to our important series on suffering. Today is part 3 which continues the discussion, including some great advice on how to help someone who may be going through a difficult time.
Season 3
Episode 138

Ep. 137 - Suffering Part II
Today we have a very impactful episode, continuing the discussion on suffering. There is a lot to unpack today, so here are a few highlights:Why it's important to look for answers in the lives of real peopleScripture ...
Season 3
Episode 137

Ep. 136 - Suffering
Welcome to a new series, this time on the subject of suffering and the Christian response to it. It's an interesting discussion covering a topic many of us have probably thought about. A few key takeaways:How some use th...
Season 3
Episode 136

Ep.135 - The Impact of Faith on Daily Living
Welcome back! Today is the kickoff to a new series on faith, daily living and one of the greatest challenges we have to the faith today - people who don't see benefit through organized religion and how the church responds to it.
Season 3
Episode 135

Ep.134 - Reflecting on the Christmas Season
Welcome back to a new season of Casting the Net! We are really excited to begin our THIRD season of the show and have many exciting topics we can't wait to cover. We'd also like to introduce you to a new partner...
Season 3
Episode 134

Episode 133 - Advent Continued...
Welcome to our second episode on Advent. As we begin to close out the year, Father Dave and Rick focus in on some great points:How we're all busy, but now with the pressures and priorities of December, it can be the perfect st...
Season 2
Episode 133

Episode 132 - Advent
Welcome to new episode on Advent. Today the guys discuss the Advent season with some great insights, including:How Advent lends itself to an experienceIf we get the best right then the good is betterPeople want a r...
Season 2
Episode 132

Episode 131 - Why Be Catholic (Part 4 of 4)
Welcome back to our series on Why Be Catholic! Today is the last episode in the series and the guys do a great job wrapping it up. A few highlights:The concept of Spiritual vs Religious and how It's a self-absorbed reali...
Season 2
Episode 131

Episode 130 - Why Be Catholic (Part 3)
Welcome back to our series on Why Be Catholic! Today our hosts go into more detail on the topic, with a few key highlights:How we are born with a natural desire for God and what it meansWhy God made manEschat...
Season 2
Episode 130

Episode 129 - Why Be Catholic (Part 2)
Welcome back to our series on "Why Be Catholic"! Today Father Dave reflects on his recent experience with the Trappist Monks in the Genesee River Valley near Rochester, NY. Some key takeaways from today's episode:How the...
Season 2
Episode 129

Episode 128 - Why Be Catholic
Welcome to a new series called "Why Be Catholic" here at Casting the Net. We hope you like it!Today's episode covers a lot, including: The idea that we are naturally finite creaturesHow we get faith and s...
Season 2
Episode 128

Episode 127 - Fruits of the Spirit
Welcome back! Today starts a new series on the fruits of the spirit. It's a slightly more in-depth episode discussing a few key topics, among others:How the fruits of the spirit are the goals for which we've been made to exper...
Season 2
Episode 127

Episode 126 - Gifts of the Holy Spirt Cont...
Welcome back! Today we continue the discussion on Gifts of the Holy Spirit. A few key highlights from today's episode:A discussion on the 3 Remaining gifts that deal with virtues of faith & hopeHow these gif...
Season 2
Episode 126

Episode 125 - Gifts of the Holy Spirit Continued...
Welcome back again! Today's episode is a continuation from last week in helping us to understand the gifts of the Holy Spirit. A few key highlights:"That to which we are inspiring prompts the questions that we're going t...
Season 2
Episode 125

Episode 124 - Understanding the Gifts of the Holy Spirit
Welcome back! Today Father Dave and Rick go into detail on the importance of understanding the gifts of the Holy Spirit. In particular, they discuss:Really understanding the gifts of the holy spiritHow to descri...
Season 2
Episode 124

Episode 123 - The Holy Spirit (and Rick is back!)
Welcome! Today Father Dave and Rick continue the discussion we've had over the last few weeks on the Holy Spirit. And oh yeah, Rick is back this week!Enjoy!
Season 2
Episode 123

Episode 122 - The Holy Spirit Cont...
Welcome to a slightly different episode continuing our discussion on the Holy Spirit. Why different? Well, Father Dave is flying solo today as Rick was unable to attend the recoding session. But worry not, he does a great job and we expect Rick...
Season 2
Episode 122

Episode 121 - Intro to the Holy Spirit
Welcome! Today Father Dave and Rick talk about the Holy Spirit, specifically:How we use analogies because God is transcendentThe history of Basil the GreatDefining the Holy SpiritHow the Holy Spirit ...
Season 2
Episode 121

Episode 120 - Christian Anthropology Series Concluded
Welcome to a very informative episode where we conclude the series on Christian Anthropology. We could list out all the things Father Dave and Rick talk about, but it would be forever long. Instead, we suggest listening to the episode for yours...
Season 2
Episode 120

Episode 119 - The Nature of the Church Through Christ
Welcome back! Today we begin to wrap up our series from the last few weeks with a great discussion on the nature of the church through Christ. A few highlights include:Unification"It's easy to love humanity in t...
Season 2
Episode 119