Casting the Net

Episode 129 - Why Be Catholic (Part 2)

Father Dave and Rick Season 2 Episode 129

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Welcome back to our series on "Why Be Catholic"!  Today Father Dave reflects on his recent experience with the Trappist Monks in the Genesee River Valley near Rochester, NY.  Some key takeaways from today's episode:

  • How the church is the body of Christ and meant to denote something more real than the images indicate
  • How the church is a family
  • That prayer can be deeper and richer when entering into it with others
  • The observation that people want community


We'd also like to introduce you to a new affiliate partner to our show, a fun company called Sock Religious, a division of Catholic Concepts.

  • Need a pair of socks with St. Teresa on them? Done.
  • A tongue-in-cheek sticker of the Last Supper? Check.
  • While a portion of your purchase goes to support the production of Casting the Net, it's also a fun way to promote and support Catholicism through various products.

Click the link below to explore their website and all the fun, Catholic-based items they sell.

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