Casting the Net

Episode 131 - Why Be Catholic (Part 4 of 4)

Father Dave and Rick Season 2 Episode 131

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Welcome back to our series on Why Be Catholic!  Today is the last episode in the series and the guys do a great job wrapping it up.  A few highlights:

  • The concept of Spiritual vs Religious and how It's a self-absorbed reality and using tools of reasoning in discussing it
  • Being a living witness to the faith
  • How we frequently fail to live up to the ideals we claim to believe in and how we respond to that disappointment, 
  • How being Catholic edures

We'd also like to introduce you to a new affiliate partner to our show, a fun company called Sock Religious, a division of Catholic Concepts.

  • Need a pair of socks with St. Teresa on them? Done.
  • A tongue-in-cheek sticker of the Last Supper? Check.
  • While a portion of your purchase goes to support the production of Casting the Net, it's also a fun way to promote and support Catholicism through various products.

Click the link below to explore their website and all the fun, Catholic-based items they sell.

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